İngilizceden çeviren Translators for Justice.
Kanada’daki üniversitelere bağlı akademisyenler olarak Türkiye’deki Barış için Akademisyenlerinisiyatifine karşı son zamanlarda gerçekleştirilen saldırılardan derin bir rahatsızlık duyuyoruz.
“Bu suça ortak olmayacağız” diyerek bir bildiri imzalayan ve hükümeti Türkiye’de Kürtlerin yaşadığı bölgelerde yaşanan zulme son vermeye çağıran 1128 Türk ve Kürt akademisyene karşı 10 Ocak 2016 tarihinden bu yana karalama ve şiddet kampanyası düzenlenmektedir. İmza sahiplerinin tamamı “terör örgütü propagandası yapmak” ve “Türk milletini ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ni alenen aşağılamak” suçlarından soruşturma açılması ile karşı karşıyadır. Birçoğu disiplin soruşturması ve çalıştığı kurum tarafından işine son verilme tehditi altındadır. Hükümet yanlısı medya ve aşırı milliyetçi sosyal medya kullanıcıları imza sahiplerine karşı bir karalama kampanyası yürütmektedir. Hatta durum “kanlarını oluk oluk akıtacağız” diyen faşist saldırılara kadar dayanmıştır.
Barış için Akademisyenler imzası taşıyan bu bildiri ve imzacıların hedef olduğu saldırılar halihazırda Kürtlere uygulanmakta olan devlet şiddeti bağlamında ele alınmalıdır. Ağustos 2015 tarihinden itibaren Türkiye’de Kürtlerin yaşadığı bölgelerdeki bir milyonu aşkın insan 52 sokağa çıkma yasağına maruz kalmıştır. Mevcut durumda, akademik özgürlüğe karşı yakın zamanda yapılan baskılar, gazetecilerin, aktivistlerin, öğrencilerin ve avukatların tutuklanması ve öldürülmesiyle birlikte ele alındığında, Türkiye hükümetinin otoriter tutumunun gittikçe derinleştiğinin bir başka göstergesidir.
Türkiye hükümetini soruşturmaları bir an önce durdurmaya ve akademik özgürlük ile ifade özgürlüğü ilkelerine bağlı hareket etmeye çağırıyoruz.
Barış için Akademisyenler inisiyatifinin Türkiye hükümetine Kürt vatandaşlara karşı düşmanca tutumlarına son vermeleri çağrısını tekrar ediyor ve söz konusu akademisyenler ile dayanışma içinde olduğumuzu belirterek her ne koşulda olursa olsun onlara destek veriyoruz.
Bu bildiriyi imzalamak için lütfen isminizi, unvanınızı ve bağlı bulunduğunuz kurumu adresinden e-posta ile gönderin.
Orijinal metin:
Open Letter from Scholars in Canada in Solidarity with Academics in Turkey
We, scholars associated with Canadian universities, are deeply disturbed with the recent attacks on the members of the Academics for Peace initiative in Turkey. 1,128 Turkish and Kurdish scholars who signed the statement “We will not be a party to this crime,” calling on the Turkish government to end its atrocities in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, have been exposed to a campaign of abuse and violence from the Turkish state since January 10, 2016. All 1,128 of the original signatories are under an immediate threat of prosecution with the charges of “propagandising for a terrorist organization” and “overtly insulting the Turkish nation, the State of the Republic of Turkey.” Many face disciplinary proceedings and possible sackings from their academic institutions. Signatories have been subject to a campaign of public smear by pro-government press and ultra-nationalist social media users. This has further led to direct attack from fascists that have declared they will 'spill the blood' of the signatories.
The above mentioned statement by the Academics for Peace and the attacks against them unfold in a context of ongoing state violence against Kurds. Since August 2015 there have been 52 curfews imposed on over one million inhabitants in the Kurdish regions of Turkey. In such a context, the recent suppressions on academic freedom, accompanied by imprisonment and death of journalists, activists, students and lawyers, is another sign of deepening authoritarianism of the Turkish state.
We call upon the Turkish government to stop its prosecutions immediately and commit to the principles of academic freedom and free speech.
We reaffirm the Academics for Peace’s call on the Turkish government to cease their hostilities against Kurds and we stand in solidarity with these academics and express our support unconditionally.
To sign this statement, please email your name, your title and institutional affiliation to
1. Aarzoo Singh, PhD Student, Women and Gender Studies, University of Toronto.
2. Abdurrahman Wahab, PhD Candidate, OISE, University of Toronto
3. Adam King PhD Candidate Department of Sociology, York University
4. Akshaya Tankha, Phd Candidate, University of Toronto
5. Alanna Thain, Associate Professor, English and Director, Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies, McGill University
6. Albert Katz, Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Western Ontario
7. Alejandro Paz, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto.
8. Alex Wilson, Professor, Seneca College
9. Alexis Shotwell, Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology Department, Carleton University
10. Alicia N. Rubel, doctoral student at Brock University
11. Alina Sajed, Assistant Professor, Political Science, McMaster University
12. Alireza Asgharzadeh Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, York University
13. Alison Hearn, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario
14. Alizee Badson, MA Student, University of Toronto
15. Amal Ghazal, Dalhousie University
16. Amir Hassanpour, Associate Professor (Ret.), University of Toronto
17. Amy Bartholomew, Associate Professor, Carleton University
18. Amy Schmitter, Professor, University of Alberta
19. Anahit Armenakyan, Assistant Professor, Nipissing University.
20. Andrea Kuzmich, PhD Candidate in Ethnomusicology, at York University
21. Andrea Vargas, MSc, University of Toronto
22. Andrei Poama, Phd-CRÉ fellow, Université de Montréal
23. Andrew Biro, Professor, Department of Politics, Acadia University
24. Andrew Brown, PhD student, York University
25. Andrew Gilbert, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, McMaster University
26. Andrew Stevens, PhD Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration / Adjunct, Department of Sociology University of Regina
27. Ann Braithwaite, Professor and Coordinator, Diversity and Social Justice Studies, University of Prince Edward Island
28. Anna M. Agathangelou, Associate Professor, York University
29. Anne Meneley, Professor, Dept of Anthropology, Trent University
30. Annelies Cooper, PhD Candidate, Political Science, York University
31. Annette Burfoot, D Phil, Professor and Graduate Coordinator Queen’s University
32. Anthony L., MS candidate, University of Manitoba
33. Antje Budde, Associate Professor, Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies and Digital Dramaturgy Lab, University of Toronto
34. Arie Molema, Ph.D. Candidate and Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto
35. Ariel Salzmann, Associate Professor, Islamic and World History, Department of History, Queen’s University
36. Asha Jeffers, PhD Candidate, York University
37. Ashley Lebner, Assistant Professor, Department of Religion & Culture, Wilfrid Laurier University
38. Athena V Colman Department of philosophy Brock University
39. Ava Homa, instructor at George Brown College
40. Ayyaz Mallick, PhD Student, York University
41. Azam Khatam, PhD, Research Fellow, York University
42. Babak Amini, MA student, York University.
43. Bahar Orang, McMaster University
44. Barbara Cameron, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, York University
45. Barry Freeman, Assistant Professor, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Toronto
47. Behnam Amini, PhD Student, York University
48. Behzad Sarmadi, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
49. Benjamin Mitchell, PhD (c), York University
50. Berivan Kutlay Sarikaya, Phd Student, University of Toronto
51. Blair Kuntz Near and Middle East Studies Librarian University of Toronto
52. Bob Luker, Retired Prof.,Community Services, George Brown College, Toronto
53. Brendan Bruce, Phd Candidate, York University
54. Brian C.J. Singer, Professor, Glendon College, York University
55. Brooke Pasco, MA student, Brock University
56. Caitlin Janzen, Ph.D Student, Sociology, York University
57. Carmela Murdocca, Associate Professor Department of Sociology York University
58. Caroline Patsias, Associate professor, Department of political science, UQAM
59. Catherine Lu, Associate Professor of Political Science, McGill University
60. Chandler Davis, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
61. Charles W. Tolman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria
62. Chris Dixon, Adjunct Research Professor, Carleton University.
63. Chris Hendershot, Research Associate, York University
64. Chris Vance, Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science, York University
65. Christina E. Kramer, Professor, University of Toronto
66. Christopher Powell, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Ryerson University
67. Christopher Webb, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto, Department of Geography and Planning
68. Clarice Kuhling, Contract Faculty, Wilfrid Laurier University
69. Clifford Orwin Professor of Political Science, Classics, and Jewish Studies
70. Columba Gonzalez, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
71. Constantin V. Boundas, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy, Trent University
72. Constantinos Kalogeropoulos, M.A. Candidate, Political Science, York University
73. Craig Fortier Assistant Professor, Social Development Studies Renison University College, University of Waterloo
74. CUPE 3902 [Representing Contract Academic Workers at the University of Toronto]
75. D. Alissa Trotz, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
76. Daniel Blais, MA Sociology, York University
77. Daniel dos Santos, Sociologist, Retired professor, Dept. of Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa
78. Danielle Landry, Contract Lecturer School of Disability Studies, Ryerson University
79. David B. Dewitt University Professor Department of Political Science York University
80. David Butz, Professor, Department of Geography, Brock University
81. David Grondin, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
82. David Heap, Associate Professor (French & Linguistics), University of Western Ontario
83. David Hugill, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Simon Fraser University
84. David K. Seitz, Ph.D., Sessional Lecturer, Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, University of Toronto
85. David Ravensbergen, PhD Candidate, Department of Social and Political Thought, York University
86. Deborah Brock, PhD Associate Professor Department of Sociology, York University
87. Deborah Cowen, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
88. Denali YoungWolfe, Masters Student - Indigenous Studies, University of Saskatchewan
89. Denis Rancourt, Former Full Professor, University of Ottawa
90. Deniz Basar, Phd Student, University of Toronto
91. Deniz Ozlem Cevik, MA student and Teaching Assistant, McGill University
92. Dilan Okcuoglu, Phd Candidate, Political Studies, Queen's University
93. Donald Fisher, Acting Principal, Green College, the University of British Columbia
94. Donald Swartz, PhD, Carleton University, Ottawa
95. Dorothy E Smith, Professor Emeritus, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
96. E. Natalie Rothman Associate Professor of History University of Toronto
97. Ebru Ustundag, Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director, Department of Geography, Brock University
98. Edward Tymchaty, Professor Emeritus, University of Saskatchewan
99. Elif Genc, PhD student, New School for Social Research
100. Elinor Frey, D.Mus., McGill University
101. Elise Thorburn, Postdoctoral Fellow, Brock University
102. Elizabeth Dauphinee, Professor, York University
103. Elizabeth MacKenzie, Sessional Faculty, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
104. Elizabeth Mooney, Instructor, Aurora College
105. Elizabeth Smith, MA Brock University St. Catharines, ON, Canada
106. Emilie Salvi, MA Educational Studies student, Concordia University
107. Emily Eaton, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Geography and Environmental Studies University of Regina
108. Emine Hande Tuna, PhD Candidate, University of Alberta
109. Erdem Tasdelen, Sessional instructor, Emily Carr University of Art + Design
110. Esteve Morera Associate Professor Department of Philosophy and Department of Political Science York University
111. Ethel Tungohan, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, York University
112. Evan Johnston, Resource Coordinator, York University Graduate Students' Association
113. Evan Miller, PhD student, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
114. Ezgi Sarioglu, Teaching Assistant, Brock University
115. Farzad Omarzadeh, faculty of engineering, University of western ontario
116. Fethi Karakecili, Ph.D Candidate in Ethnomusicology, York University
117. Feyzi Baban, Associate Professor, Political Studies and International Development, Trent University
118. Frédérick Guillaume Dufour, Professeur de sociologie, UQAM
119. Frederick Peters, PhD,, Principal Research Fellow, York University
120. Gale P. Coskan-Johnson, Assistant Prof. of Writing and Rhetoric Chair, Brock University
121. Ganaele Langlois, Assistant Professor, York University
122. Gavin Fridell, Associate Professor, Saint Mary's University
123. Geneviève A. Dumas, PhD, PEng, Professor, Queen's University,
124. Genne Speers, PhD Candidate, York University
125. Geoffrey Whitehall, Professor of Politics, Acadia University
126. George C. Comninel, Associate Professor, York University
127. Gokboru S. Tanyildiz, PhD Candidate, York University
128. Golbarg Rekabtalaei, PhD, University of Toronto
129. Golbarg Rekabtalaei, PhD, University of Toronto
130. Greg Albo, Professor, Political Science, York University
131. Greg Sharzer, PhD alumni, Political Science, York University
132. Gregory Shupak, PhD, University of Guelph-Humber
133. Guertin Tremblay, Professeur de géographie, Cégep Marie-Victorin, Montréal, Québec
134. Gül Çalışkan, Assistant Professor, St. Thomas University
135. Gülay Kilicaslan, Phd Student, York University
136. Guliz Akkaymak, Phd candidate, The University of Western Ontario
137. Gyllian Raby, Department of Dramatic Arts at Brock University
138. Hadayt Nazami, Barrister & Solicitor, Juris Doctor, York University
139. Haideh Moghissi, Professor Emerita and Senior scholar, York University
140. Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Trent University
141. Heather M.-L. Miller, Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Toronto
142. Heather Macfarlane, Assistant Professor, Queen's University
143. Heather MacRae, Political Science, York University, Toronto
144. Helen Colley, Former Visiting Professor at OISE, University of Toronto
145. Henar Perales PhD Student, University of Toronto Women and Gender Studies
146. Henry Heller, Professor, University of Manitoba
147. Hourig Attarian, Asssitant Professor, Concordia University
148. Igor Shoikhedbrod, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
149. Ilan Kapoor, Professor, York University
150. Inder S. Marwah, Assistant Professor, McMaster University, Department of Political
151. Ingo Brigandt, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, University of Alberta
152. Irina Ceric, Criminology Instructor, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
153. Isaac Friesen Doctoral Studen Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations University of Toronto
154. J. Marshall Beier Associate Professor of Political Science McMaster University
155. J. Sakeris, Professor Emeritus, Ryerson University, Toronto
156. J. Scott Matthews, Ph.D. Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator, Department of Political Science Memorial University of Newfoundland
157. Jaffer Sheyholislami, Associate Professor, Carleton University
158. Jaime R. Brenes Reyes, PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature, The University of Western Ontario
159. James A. Reilly, Professor, Modern Middle East History, University of Toronto
160. James Alexander Forbes, PhD Candidate, York University
161. James Davies, PhD, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto
162. James Deutsch, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
163. James FitzGerald, York University PhD Student
164. James Ingram Associate Professor of Political Science McMaster University, Canada
165. James N. Porter, Professor Emeritus, York University
166. James Nugent, PhD Candidate-Course Instructor, University of Toronto
167. James Winter, Professor, Graduate Program in Communication and Social Justice, University of Windsor
168. Jamie Magnusson, Ph.D., Program Coordinator, Adult Education and Community Development, Head, Centre for Women's Studies in Education, Associate Professor, Adult Education, Department of Leadership, Adult and Higher Education, OISE, University of Toronto
169. Jane Helleiner Professor, Department of Sociology, Brock University
170. Janet E. Mullin, PhD, St. Thomas University in Fredericton
171. Jason Hoult, Teaching Assistant, York University
172. Jayeeta Sharma, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
173. Jean-François Vallée, PhD, Professor, Collège de Maisonneuve
174. Jeannette Gaudet, Associate Professor, St. Thomas University
175. Jeff Shantz, Full Time Faculty Member, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
176. Jennifer Cypher, PhD, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Chairperson, CUPE 3903
177. Jennifer Nagel, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
178. Jenny Wüstenberg, PhD, DAAD Visiting Assistant Professor, York University
179. Jens Hanssen, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
180. Jeremy Stolow, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University,
181. Jessica Thorp, PhD Student, University of Toronto
182. JoAnn Jaffe Professor University of Regina
183. João Shannon Pinto Sterrett, PhD Candidate, University of Victoria
184. Joe Galbo, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of New Brunswick
185. John Carlaw, PhD Candidate, Political Science, York University
186. Jonathan Adjemian, PhD Candidate, York University, Toronto
187. Jonathan Barker Professor Emeritus Political Science University of Toronto
188. Joseph H. Carens, FRSC Professor of Political Science University of Toronto
189. Judith Cohen, Contract and Adjunct Graduate Faculty (Music), York University
190. Judy Hellman, Professor, Political and Social Science, York University
191. Justin Paulson, Associate Professor, Carleton University
192. Kajri Jain, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
193. Kanishka Goonewardena, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto
194. Kanta Murali Assistant Professor Department of Political Science, University of Toronto
195. Karen Bird, Ph.D Department of Political Science McMaster University
196. Karen Pearlston, PhD, University of New Brunswick
197. Karen Robert, Associate Professor, Department of History, St. Thomas University
198. Karlo Basta, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland
199. Kate Ervine, Assistant Professor, Saint Mary's University
200. Kate Parizeau, University of Guelph
201. Katherine Bischoping, Associate Professor, York University
202. Kathryn Payne, Professor, George Brown College
203. Katie Hemsworth, Assistant Professor, Queen's University
204. Katie Mazer, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto
205. Kaziwa Salih, PhD, Queen's university
206. Ken Kawashima, University of Toronto
207. Kevin A. Gould, Associate Professor, Concordia University
208. Kevin Pask, Professor, Concordia University
209. Khashayar Hooshiar, Contract faculty, York University
210. Konstantin Kilibarda, Adjunct Lecturer, McMaster University
211. Kota Kimura, MA Candidate, University of Saskatchewan
212. Krista Geneviève Lynes, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University
213. Kristi Allain, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, St. Thomas University
214. Kumru Bilici, Research Assistant, Carleton University, Ottawa
215. Kyle Bailey, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, York University
216. Laam Hae, Associate Professor, York University
217. Larissa Bablak MA candidate in Geography at York University in Toronto Canada.
218. Laura G. Pin, PhD Candidate, York University
219. Lauren Corman, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Brock University
220. Lauren Quinn Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
221. Laurence Packer, professor of biology, York university
222. Laurie E. Adkin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Alberta
223. Leda Raptis, PhD, Queen’s University
224. Leila Pourtavaf, PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of Toronto
225. Lesley Wood, Associate Professor, York University
226. Lib Spry PhD student Queens University
227. Lina Nasr El Hag Ali PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, York University
228. Linda Peake, York University
229. Linda Tabar, Visiting Assistant Professor in International Studies, Trinity College
230. Lisa Mills, Associate Professor, Carleton University
231. Lois Klassen Student, Cultural Studies Doctoral Program Queen's University
232. Lucia Dacome, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
233. Lucy Lynch, Masters of Environmental Studies, York University
234. Luin Goldring, Professor, Sociology, York University, Toronto
235. Luke Roelofs, PhD Graduate, University of Toronto
236. M. Derya Tarhan, PhD Student, University of Toronto
237. Magda Stroinska, Professor (German & Linguistics), Department of Linguistics and Languages, McMaster University
238. Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston, Associate Professor, York University
239. Maggie Sager, Masters Student, Near and Middle Eastern Cultures, University of Toronto
240. Magnolia Pauker Lecturer, Emily Carr University of Art + Design
241. Mahiye Seçil Daǧtaș, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Waterloo
242. Mairi Anderson, BA student, English, University of Saskatchewan
243. Maral Salek, Graduate Student, Ryerson University
244. Margot Francis, Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies/Sociology, Brock University
245. Maria Martika, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
246. Mario Seccareccia, Full Professor, Department of Economics, University of Ottawa
247. Mark E. Warren Harold and Dorrie Merilees Chair for the Study of Democracy Department of Political Science
248. Mark J. Goodman Department of Sociology Department of Equity Studies, York University
249. Markus Kip, PhD Candidate in Sociology, York University
250. Martin Bunton, Associate Professor, University of Victoria
251. Mary Jean Hande PhD student University of Toronto
252. Mary-Beth Raddon, Associate Professor, Brock University
253. Mary-Jo Nadeau, Ph.D., York University, Toronto
254. Mathieu Brûlé PhD Candidate (ABD), York University
255. Mathieu Forcier, Doctorant en sociologie, Université de Montréal
256. Matt Gordner, PhD Student, The University of Toronto Department of Political Science
257. Matt Jones, Course Instructor, Drama and Performance Studies, University of Toronto Scarborough
258. Matthew Corbeil, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, York University
259. Matthew Corbeil, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, York University
260. Matthew Hayes, Associate Professor, St. Thomas University
261. Max Haiven, Assistant Professor, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
262. Mehmet Efe Caman, Prof., Memorial University of Newfoundland
263. Melanie Knight, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University
264. Melissa Fellin, Assistant Professor (CAS), Wilfrid Laurier University
265. Melissa Levin, PhD Candidate and Course Instructor, University of Toronto
266. Melissa S. Williams Professor of Political Science University of Toronto
267. Melissa St. Germaine-Small, PhD (abd), Sessional Instructor, Brock University
268. Michael Lambek, FRSC Canada Research Chair, UTSC Anthropology Department’s Chair , University of Toronto
269. Mike Anklewicz, PhD, Saxophone Instructor, Royal Conservatory of Music
270. Mina Rajabi Paak, PhD Student and Executive Member of York University’s Graduate Students Association, York University
271. Monique Tschofen, Associate Professor, Ryerson University
272. Murray Cooke, Contract Faculty, York University
273. Mustafa Koc, Professor, Ryerson University
274. Nadia Mohammad, M.Ed. Student in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development at OISE, University of Toronto
275. Nancy Bertoldi Associate Professor University of Toronto
276. Nancy Cook, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Brock University
277. Natalie Kouri-Towe, PhD, University of Toronto
278. Natalie Zemon Davis, Professor, University of Toronto
279. Nick Dyer-Witheford, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario
280. Nicola Short, Associate Professor, York University
281. Nicole Laliberte, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
282. Nicole N. Hanson, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
283. Nicole S. Cohen, PhD, University of Toronto
284. Nil Basdurak, PhD in Ethnomusicology, University of Toronto
285. Niloofar Golkar, PhD student, Department of Political Science, York University
286. Nishant Upadhyay, York University
287. Noa Shaindlinger, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
288. Octavian Ion, Adjunct, University of Alberta
289. Omar Sirri, PhD Student, Political Science, University of Toronto
290. Oscar Jarzmik, PhD candidate, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto
291. Ozlem Aslan, Phd Student, University of Toronto
292. Paromita Kar, PhD, York University
293. Patricia Molloy, Communication Studies Department, Wilfrid Laurier University
294. Paul A. Hamel, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
295. Paul Bocking, PhD Candidate, York University
296. Paul Christopher Gray, PhD Candidate, Political Science, York University
297. Paul Kellogg, Associate Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Athabasca University
298. Paul Kingston, Associate Professor, Political Science Director, University of Toronto
299. Pelin Aşçı, PhD Candidate, York University
300. Penni Stewart,Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, York University
301. Peter Andree, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Carleton University
302. Peter Brogan, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, York University
303. Peter Landstreet, Emeritus Professor, Department of Sociology (LA&PS), York University
304. Pheroze Unwalla, Limited Term Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario
305. Prasad Khanolka PhD, Planning and South Asian Studies nDept. of Geography and Planning, and Center for South Asian Studies, University of Toronto
306. Rachel Berger, Associate Professor, History Department, Concordia University
307. Rana Sukarieh, PhD Candidate in Sociology, York University
308. Ratiba Hadj-Moussa, Associate Professor, Sociology, York University, Toronto
309. Rawan Abdelbaki, Doctoral Student, York University
310. Rebecca Comay, University of Toronto
311. Rebecca Kingston, Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto
312. Rebecca Raby, Professor, Brock University
313. Rebecca Smith, MA student, York University
314. Rianne Mahon, Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
315. Rinaldo Walcott, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
316. Robert Brym, FRSC SD Clark Professor, University of Toronto
317. Robert C.H. Sweeny Professor of History Memorial University of Newfoundland
318. Ronald Beiner Professor of Political Science University of Toronto
319. Ruth Marshall Associate Professor - Political Science/Study of Religion University of Toronto
320. Ruth-Anne Andrew, MA1, York University
321. Ryan Toews, Contract Faculty, York University
322. Sabine Dreher, Department of International Studies, Glendon College - York University
Anne Toews, PhD candidate, Department of History, York University
323. Sabrina Paillé, PhD Student, York University
324. Saeed Rahnema, Professor rtd., York University
325. Saeed Valadbaygi, Political Science Student, York University
326. Saman Lagzi, Graduate Student, University of Waterloo
327. Samuel Walker,Ph.D. Candidate, University of Toronto
328. Sandra Smele, PhD Candidate, York University
329. Sandra Whitworth, Professor, Political Science, York University
330. Sanja Vodovnik, PhD student, University of Toronto
331. Sara Carpenter, PhD, Assistant Professor | Adult, Community, and Higher Education, Department of Educational Policy Studies, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
332. Sarah de Leeuw, Associate Professor, Northern Medical Program Career Investigator Scholar, University of Northern British Columbia
333. Sarah J. Martin, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland
334. Sarah Marchand, MA Graduate, Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies, University of Toronto
335. Sarah T. Roberts, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS), Western University
336. Sardar Saadi, Phd student, University of Toronto
337. Scott Forsyth, Associate Professor, York University
338. Scott Silver, MA, University of Saskatchewan
339. Sébastien Rioux, Professeur, Département de géographie, Université de Montréal
340. Secil Dagtas, Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo
341. Secil Erdogan, Assistant Professor, York University
342. Sedef Arat-Koc, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University
343. Selmin Kara, Assistant Professor, OCAD University
344. Sergio R. Arcaro, English Instructor, Centennial College
345. Seth Palmer, PhD Candidate, Dept of Anthropology, University of Toronto
346. Shawn Blizzard,MS Student, York University
347. Sheila L. Cavanagh, Chair of the Sexuality Studies Association & Associate Professor of Sociology, York University
348. Sheila Wilmot, PhD, Course Instructor, Ryerson University, Toronto
349. Shubhra Gururani, Associate Professor, Anthropology York University
350. Siavash Saffari, PhD, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University
351. Sima Aprahamian, Research Associate, Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia University
352. Simon Beck, Faculty, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
353. Simon Beck, M.Ed., Faculty, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
354. Simon Granovsky-Larsen, Assistant Professor, University of Regina
355. Sona Kazemi, Phd student, University of Toronto
356. Songul Bozat-Emre, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba
357. Sophie Voegele PhD Candidate Sociology | York University, Toronto
358. Srdja Pavlovic, PhD, University of Alberta
359. Stefan Kipfer Associate Professor Faculty of Environmental Studies York University
360. Stephanie Bethune, MA Candidate, University of Victoria
361. Stephen Adams, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario
362. Stephen D'Arcy, Associate Professor, Huron University College
363. Stephen G. Moore, Contract Faculty, University of Regina
364. Stephen J. Rockel, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Toronto
365. Stephen L. Newman, Associate Professor, York University
366. Steve Hellman Professor Emeritus of Political Science York University
367. Steven Tufts, Associate Proffesor, York University
368. Steven Wolinetz, Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland
369. Suzanne Mills, Associate Professor, McMaster University
370. Tara Lyons, PhD Faculty of Criminology Kwantlen Polytechnic University
371. Ted Landrum, Instructor, Dept. of Architecture, University of Manitoba
372. Teresa Heffernan, Professor, Department of English, Saint Mary's University
373. Terry Maley, PhD, Associate Professor and MA Coordinator, Department of Political Science, York University
374. Tracy Glynn, Lecturer, St. Thomas University
375. Tyler J. Pollard, PhD candidate, English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University
376. Val Marie Johnson, Associate Professor, Sociology, Criminology, Women & Gender Studies, Saint Mary's University
377. Valérie Vézina, Visiting Assistant Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland
378. Vappu Tyyskä, Professor, Department of Sociology, Program Director, Immigration and Settlement Studies, Ryerson University
379. Victor Ostapchuk, Associate Professor, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto
380. Victoria Freeman, Course Director, Dept. of History, York University
381. Vinh Nguyen, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Renison University College, University of Waterloo
382. Vivian Solana, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
383. William Clare Roberts, Assistant Professor of Political Science, McGill University
384. William Payne, PhD Candidate - Critical Human Geography, York University
385. Yasin Kaya, PhD Candidate, York University
386. Yeyeong Jeon, MA student, Film Studies, Carleton University
387. YUGSA - The York University’s Graduate Association
388. Zozan Pehlivan, PhD. Candidate, Queen's University