Dayanışma / Solidarity

Noam Chomsky on Co-signing Turkey’s ‘Academics for Peace’ Appeal

Yazar / Referans: 
Halis Yıldırım with Noam Chomsky, Open Democracy

Academics are lining up to support this appeal for peace and express solidarity with the targets of Erdogan’s attacks on freedom and basic rights.

In support of ‘Academics for Peace,’ more than a hundred academics, including Seyla Benhabib, Noam Chomsky, Nancy Fraser, Fredric Jameson, Steven Pinker, Michael Löwy, Wendy Brown, Bertell Ollman, Warren Montag and Saskia Sassen, have reported themselves to the Attorney General’s Office in Ankara.

Yüzden Fazla Akademisyen Barış Akademisyenlerine Destek için Kendilerini Savcılığa İhbar Ettiler

Yazar / Referans: 

Aralarında Seyla Benhabib, Noam Chomsky, Etienne Balibar, Angela Davis, Bertell Ollman, Fredric Jameson, Warren Montag ve Saskia Sassen gibi isimlerin de bulunduğu yüzden fazla akademisyen Barış İçin Akademisyenler'e destek amacıyla kendilerini Ankara Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı'na ihbar ettiler. 

Barış Talebi Suç Değildir. Füsun Üstel’in Özgürlüğü Hepimizin Özgürlüğüdür. Talep Ediyoruz!

Yazar / Referans: 

• Anayasa Mahkemesi 1. Bölüm, Prof. Dr. Füsun Üstel’in bireysel başvurusunu 7 Mayıs 2019’da çeşitli tarihlerde yapılmış başka Barış İçin Akademisyenler başvuruları ile birleştirdi. Dosyayı gündemine aldığı 29 Mayıs 2019 tarihli oturumda, Füsun Üstel’in başvurusu öncelikli inceleme ve tedbir kararı verilerek infazın durdurulması talepli olmasına rağmen, Adalet Bakanlığı’nın görüşünün henüz gelmemiş olduğu gerekçesiyle birleştirilmiş başvuruları görüşmeyi erteledi. 3 Temmuz 2019 tarihli oturumda konuyu tekrar gündeme alan AYM 1.

Statement on the Imprisonment and Judicial Harassment of Academics in Turkey

Yazar / Referans: 
International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs

The International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs notes with great concern the ongoing judicial harassment of signatories of the Academics for Peace petition in Turkey. We are particularly alarmed at the imprisonment of Prof. Dr. Füsun Üstel and Dr. Tuna Altınel who have been deprived of their right to liberty since May 2019, and we call for an end to all such procedures.

Ghent University Position on Collaboration with Turkish Universities

Yazar / Referans: 
Ghent University

Starting with the publication of an ‘Academics for Peace’ petition in January 2016, and further increasing after the attempted coup in July 2016, large numbers of state employees in Turkey have suffered dismissal or other sanctions without due process. Among them are several thousands of academics. Many Turkish universities have actively collaborated in the implementation of these government measures against their employees. Under its Human Rights Policy, Ghent University considers such universities as (co-)perpetrators of serious human rights violations.

Defending Human Rights in Turkey: Füsun Üstel

Yazar / Referans: 
Netherlands Helsinki Committee

Füsun Üstel, respected academic in history, nationalism and issues of identity, is the first of the Academics for Peace to be imprisoned for signing the “We will not be party to this crime!” petition. This ruling will likely influence the pending cases of other  Academics for Peace. Despite the threat of imprisonment, Üstel stood up for her belief that condemning human rights violations or calling for peace is not a crime.

Statement of Support for Ayşe Gül Altınay from IAWM

Yazar / Referans: 
International Association of Women's Museums

Ayse Gül Altinay, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Gender and Women’s Studies Center at Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey, was one of the cooperation partners of Women’s Museum Istanbul to organise the the first Asian and European conference of women’s museums “Feminist Pedagogy: Museums, Memory Sites, Practices of Remembrance” in Istanbul in October 2018.

In Solidarity with Prof. Ayşe Gül Altınay

Yazar / Referans: 
Academia for Equality

Following the ongoing prosecution of academics in Turkey, whose only crime is to wish for a future without violence, we sent a letter to the Turkish Ambassador in Israel, The Turkish Ministries of Justice and Education and to other institutions demanding an end to the judicial harassment against the members of Barış İçin Akademisyenler / Academics for Peace (full letter in comments).

Uppsala Forum-Connected Researcher Sentenced to Prison in Turkey

Yazar / Referans: 
Uppsala Forum on Democracy, Peace and Justice

Uppsala Forum on Democracy, Peace and Justice stands in solidarity with Professor Ayşe Gül Altinay

On May 21, Ayşe Gül Altınay, Sabanci University in Istanbul, was sentenced to 25 months in prison for ”willingly and knowingly supporting a terrorist organisation as a non-member.” This is because she signed the statement “We will not be a party to this crime” in support of colleagues, democracy and academic freedom.

She was an invited speaker at an Uppsala Forum event this February.
