Dayanışma / Solidarity

Llamada a la solidaridad con los Académicos por la Paz procesados

Yazar / Referans: 

Las violaciones de la libertad académica y la libertad de expresión en Turquía han llegado a una situación calamitosa. Las intimidaciones del gobierno turco y sus partidarios hacia los académicos han escalado a acciones legales, según las cuales los académicos signatarios de la paz enfrentan 7,5 años de prisión si son condenados por "propaganda para una organización terrorista".

"We call for Turkish judiciary to drop all charges against academics and release all political prisoners"

Yazar / Referans: 
European Greens

5 December 2017


Commenting on the hearings starting today by Turkey’s Penal Court against more than a thousand academics, the European Green Party co-chairs Monica Frassoni and Reinhard Bütikofer said:

“The Turkish judiciary perseveres in its persecution of opposition leaders, civil society representatives and academics, in what seems a purge against all voices that are not perfectly aligned with the government.

Turkey: Academics on Trial for Signing Petition

Yazar / Referans: 
Human Rights Watch

‘Terrorist Propaganda’ Charge Stifles Free Speech

The decision to prosecute scores of academics for signing a January 2016 petition criticizing the Turkish government’s actions in southeastern Turkey seriously violates the right to free speech and academic freedom, Human Rights Watch said today. The charges are also a misuse of terrorism laws.

“Barış talebini yargılamak ortak geleceğimizi yargılamaktır”

Yazar / Referans: 
Mülkiye Haber

Eğitim Sen, Türk Tabipleri Birliği ve Sağlık ve Sosyal Hizmet Emekçileri Sendikası, yarın yargılanmalarına başlanacak akademisyenlerle ilgili ortak açıklama yaptı.

İstanbul Tabip Odasında gerçekleştirilen basın toplantısına, Eğitim Sen Genel Başkanı Feray Aytekin Aydoğan, TTB Merkez Konseyi Başkanı Prof. Dr. Raşit Tükel, SES Eş Genel Başkanı Gönül Erdem, DİSK Genel Sekreteri Arzu Çerkezoğlu, HDK Eş sözcüsü Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit,  uluslararası sendikalar ve meslek örgütleri ve  birçok akademisyen katıldı.

Noam Chomsky’s Statement to Turkish Trial Against Academics for Peace

Yazar / Referans: 
Halis Yıldırım, BAK

The penal case against the signers of the Academics for Peace petition is a shocking miscarriage of justice, which friends of the Turkish people can only view with dismay.  The wording of the indictment, throughout, makes it clear that the case is an assault against fundamental rights of free expression that should be zealously safeguarded.  To take only one example, the signers are accused of calling on the government “to lift the curfew, punish those who are responsible for human rights violations, and compensate those citizens who have experienced material an

Turkish Courts Set to Begin Hearings of Purged Dissidents in Academia

Yazar / Referans: 
PEN America


November 27, 2017

NEW YORK—The arbitrary use of judicial power in targeting signatories of the January 2016 Academics for Peace petition is the latest in a long series of legal charges filed against civil society actors by authorities, and demonstrates the Turkish government’s ongoing campaign to silent dissent in all its forms.

“Barış İçin Akademisyenler” Bu Toplumun Vicdanı Olmuştur, Yargılanamazlar!

Yazar / Referans: 
MO İstanbul

Ocak 2016’da “Barış İçin Akademisyenler” imzası ile yayımlanan “Bu Suça Ortak Olmayacağız!” bildirisi nedeniyle, aralarında odamız mensubu meslektaşlarımızın da bulunduğu imzacı pek çok akademisyen, sırf demokratik ifade özgürlüğü haklarını kullandıkları için hukuk dışı uygulamalarla işten çıkarıldı, yandaş medyada estirilen yoğun bir linç kampanyası eşliğinde üniversitelerinden uzaklaştırıldı ya da baskı altına alınarak istifaya zorlandı.

Seven Ways You Can Support Academics in Turkey

Yazar / Referans: 
Blog of the APA

The situation for academics in Turkey has dramatically worsened since the failed coup on July 15, a matter of increasing importance given the investigations, firings, deportations, trials, and detentions of academics even prior to the coup. In January of this year, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had already stretched the term “terrorist” enough to apply it to over one thousand members of Academics for Peace for publishing a petition. This threat to academics was foreshadowed in previous attacks on journalists and opposition lawmakers.

Defending Academic and Medical Independence in Turkey

Yazar / Referans: 
The Lancet

We write on behalf of 207 health professionals, academics, and researchers, and 25 health and human rights organisations from many countries (appendix). We wish to bring to the attention of The Lancet's readers alarming events taking place in Turkey, where the state has been waging a campaign of terror and punishment against thousands of health professionals and academics.

Full article:

Statement of Solidarity with Turkish Academics from Prague Conference

Yazar / Referans: 

As participants in the Prague conference “Philosophy & Social Science” who consider themselves part of the tradition of critical theory we express our deep concern about our colleagues in Turkey who have been dismissed by executive decrees without due process and legal recourse. We extend our solidarity to all persecuted academics and specifically to Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça who are on an indefinite hunger strike in protest of the injustice they have experienced.
